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Interesting facts about Vikings.

The ancient Vikings took on board several ravens, freeing them one by one. If the raven flew away in the direction of the ship's movement, then they sailed on, and if the raven turned aside, they changed course.
Dublin was founded by Vikings in the ninth century.

When marching to England around 1000 AD, the Vikings assembled a fleet of eighty ships, each with 100 soldiers on board.

Vikings discovered a large icy island in 982 AD, Eric the Red named it Greenland.
Interesting fact, Vikings founded settlements in North America almost 500 years before Columbus.

In the tenth century, the largest slave market in the world was in Dublin, in the possession of the Vikings.
Vikings served as guards for some Byzantine emperors.

The Icelandic language is very similar to Old Norse. Icelandic schoolchildren easily read epics and sagas in Old Norse
It took up to 80 oaks to build one (ship) drakkar.

Viking means "pirate in Old Norse.

The Scandinavians, who conquered the British Isles, had a reputation among the local population for cleanliness, due to their custom of washing once a week, on Saturdays. To this day, Saturday is called "laundry day" in Scandinavian languages.
The Vikings had wars that were called berserkers. They went into battle without armor and felt no pain. Scientists suggest that they took some narcotic drugs for this. The Vikings themselves considered them marked gods.

According to Viking law, if a person was insulted three times by another person, only the first two insults could be compensated with money, and the third was washed off with blood.
Interesting fact, the Vikings used urine to store fire. They cut a tree mushroom, and then boiled it in urine for several days and dried it. The urine contains sodium nitrite, which allowed such tinder to slowly smolder for a long time, so the fire could be easily transported while swimming.

Viking women had the right to choose their own husbands.


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